MOZI HÍREK – Tegnap 82 éves korában elhunyt Burt Reynolds amerikai színész és rendező, most a különböző hírességek emlékeznek rá.
Burt Reynolds, a Boogie Nights és a Smokey és a Bandita sztárja tegnap hunyt el szívproblémái miatt. A színész szeptember végén kezdte volna el forgatni a jeleneteit egyébként Quention Tartantino legújabb filmjéhez, a Once Upon a Time in Hollywoodhoz. Reynoldsról most a különböző hírességek emlékeztek meg a Twitteren, például Arnold Schwarzenegger, vagy éppen Edgar Wright, aki többek között a Baby Drivert is rendezte.
További tweeteket az alábbi linken tekinthetsz meg.
Burt Reynolds was one of my heroes. He was a trailblazer. He showed the way to transition from being an athlete to being the highest paid actor, and he always inspired me. He also had a great sense of humor – check out his Tonight Show clips. My thoughts are with his family.
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) September 6, 2018
R.I.P. Burt Reynolds, underrated as a dramatic actor (Deliverance), underrated as a director (Sharkey's Machine), but also a rare movie star that seemed to be just having an absolute ball onscreen. Nobody broke frame with a bigger gleam in his eye. "Just watch ol' Bandit run."
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) September 6, 2018
As THE movie star of my childhood, the Bandit stole our hearts for decades. I always loved how Burt Reynolds worked with his friends as often as he could and then showcased the fun of movie-making in the end credits of his flicks. He was true American icon. Hate to see him go…
— KevinSmith (@ThatKevinSmith) September 6, 2018